


How to Build Mental Toughness mental toughness mentality Feb 14, 2023

We are all just a few steps away from breakthrough performances. Record-setting professional endurance athlete Alyssa Godesky tells us how to go the extra mile. 


By Amelia Perry


Every endurance athlete has stared down the wall–that place where everything hurts,...

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Periods and Periodization Feb 06, 2023


Ironman Champion Sara Gross on how she would have planned her training differently if she had tracked her menstrual cycle  


When I was at Edinburgh University studying for my Ph.D. I was part of an elite athlete development program hosted by the University. I was 24 years...

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Why We're Going All-In on Women's Performance athlete physiology women Jan 30, 2023

Feisty CEO Sara Gross on how more knowledge about female-specific performance can accelerate fitness success


Eight days before I won my first Ironman I finished an ugly and hard-fought 18th at Ironman Texas, one hour and six minutes behind the winner. Even in a long race like Ironman, an...

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Sport Can Save Lives Jan 23, 2023

Exercise as a tool in your mental health toolbox.


By Amelia Perry


TW: This article contains mention of suicidal ideation, mental illness, and more specifically, disordered eating. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with any of the above – please seek care. 


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Fairness and Inclusion โ€“ Transgender Women in Sport trans inclusion trans women Jan 17, 2023

By Sara Gross

The conversation about trans women’s inclusion in elite sport has often pitted “fairness” against “inclusion,” most notably by World Athletics President Sebatian Coe.  I have heard this binary approach several times and every time it makes me...

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Things I Wish I Knew About Menopause When I Was Younger lifting heavy menopause Jan 09, 2023

What I would — and wouldn’t have — done differently if I knew what I know now.


 By Selene Yeager


“What would you do differently if you knew what you know now?” As the host of Hit Play Not Pause and Content Manager for Feisty Menopause, it’s a...

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New Year, Be You new year Jan 03, 2023

It’s that time of year. Everywhere we turn there’s the new year, new you narrative.

By Kathryn Taylor 


Gyms are offering new year challenges.


Clickbait articles promoting diet culture disguised as ‘clean eating challenges’ or detox programs are all over...

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Why we are all in on Womenโ€™s Performance performance research Dec 20, 2022


And will keep it going in 2023


By Sara Gross


When I first started the Women’s Performance Podcast I wasn’t sure I even wanted to talk about “performance” at all. I used to be an elite athlete and when we talked about performance it usually meant a deep...

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We push ourselves to the limit. But is it fun? perfectionism raquetball self-worth Dec 13, 2022

Questions to Ask Yourself as an Athlete 


By Amelia Perry 


Leave everything on the race course. Give it your all or don’t bother. Be faster. Try harder. These words echo through changing rooms, start lines, finish lines, around family dinner tables. And if...

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How to Cultivate a CEO Mindset ceo endurance sport women in business Dec 06, 2022

Whether you aspire to start a business, move up to a C-suite position or be a better CEO of your own life, the lessons from endurance sport will serve you well - if you learn how to use them.


By Sara Gross, PhD


We’ve all heard it before - endurance athletes make better [fill...

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The Problem with Body Positivity: Advice from a Fat Activist body neutrality body positivity fat activism Nov 29, 2022

You don’t have to love every part of your body to not hate it.

Text by Amelia Perry 

All bodies are beautiful. Love your body. Be happy in your own skin. From Dove commercials to even some of our own Feisty Content, “body positivity” - helping women love, rather than...

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What female athletes need to know about sex, pleasure, and relationships athlete intimacy sex Nov 22, 2022

Happy relationships are linked to mental and physical health - and sports performance.


By Sara Gross, PhD

“A happy athlete is a fast athlete.” Those were some of the first words Olympian and Ironman Champion, Sarah True, gushed during the press conference at the Ironman World...

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